Friday, 17 August 2012

Trying Not to Love You

It's 1.45am here, everyone's asleep. Today, I was feeling very low, Well why not?
When there are dozens of problems in your sick life makes you go crazy.

I was the kinda girl who doesn't believe in love, who thinks being in a relationship is a waste of time, cause love just doesn't exist. 
But I changed for a year and was all Lovey-dovey, but now :(
You see, when the person whom you love a lot just moves away 5000 miles from you for 6 years and doesn't keep contact,hurts!
It hurts... A LOT!
I did not knew there were places inside me that could pain and cause y eyes to water the instant I think about him! I acknowledged it only after this...long distance...thing...

The worst thing is that he just acts like he doesn't care, and he's always like,"I told you I was busy";when he didn't even mention it to me!
How the hell am I supposed to know all such things? Telepathically? I could do that, but there are distance limitations to even that!!
So what are we left with now?

I'm realizing the fact slowly that, I wan't different things in life and so does he. Maybe we are not meant to be! :'(
As hurtful that sounds it could be true cause from the past 7 months we've just been fighting, I mean where is this relationship even going to?

Maybe I could never understand you, maybe you never got me! Maybe you never saw my care behind the things I do and stuff I say! 

My One Question to Everyone out there: Does love really exist?
If it does, then where is it???