Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Not a Mother's Day!

It feels so warm to see all the naughtiest friends I know pose with their moms with formal/traditional wear, a sweet smile on their face, one arm over mom's shoulder/hug/kissing her with such beautiful poems and captions for her on this auspicious so called 'Mother's Day'!

Today out of all days in the year is when not a single person posts photos of‪#‎allsetforweekend‬ ‪#‎booze‬ smoking pot, hukka and what not. Feels nice to finally see every person for who they are since those glassy eyes never made it possible!
I never celebrate Mother's Day, should you appreciate your mom just because hallmarks, Google, TV, Newspaper etc tell you to do so!

It's not a part of our culture and tradition,I feel. 

Just because the whole world says, "click a selfie with your mom and post on hashtag #.... " should you do it for those people?

If you know why Mother's Day was first started then maybe you should do something that Anna Jarvis did for her mom, she continued to fight for her mother's goals who was a peace activist! Don't just click a photo with her and paste a caption, ask her what she sees in you, ask her how her days go by when your not around, ask her if there's anything she wants to learn as a hobby or pursue her goal because of the compromises she made all these years, ask her how can you try and become a good kid, sympathize with her! 

Every mother has a vision for her child, we as the youngsters trying to set our foot in this cruel world have our own ideas in our mind it really would shock you to hear what she asks of you, maybe it might not be much maybe it might, maybe she would not even force you to work for it but I'm sure she will appreciate the fact that you considered her important enough to at least ask.
And don't just do it for one day! Do it every other day! 

Do celebrate but understand why such days were started... don't get influenced by Media and say 'Mom I love you' because they're saying its Mothers day. 

I love my Mom I'd die for her and she knows this, I don't need a Mother's Day to confess my love to her!

Are we prisoners who get one meet or a phone call with someone we love out of 365 days and they tell you, "say you love your mom, it's Mother's day today" and so we do it?
The daughter Anna Jarvis herself grew raged when certain companies tried earning profits out of Mother's Day! This is not what she asked for!
Be wise.

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